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User Management: Users
User Management: Users

Create, Edit, and Manage Users of an Ubidots Account.

David Sepúlveda avatar
Written by David Sepúlveda
Updated over 6 months ago

All Ubidots accounts begin with a single App that can be accessed by users under a specified permission role to view, create, or edit resources (Devices, Dashboards, Events, Tokens and End users) in it. Here's a quick reminder of Ubidots' hierarchy:

  1. Ubidots License Admin: A person who manages the Ubidots Account at, its App(s), Devices, Dashboards, Events, Organizations, Roles, and Users. Ubidots accounts may have one or several admins.

  2. App: An IoT portal that contains organizations and is defined by a set of configurations for its appearance, domain, locale, visible features, and language.

  3. Organization: An entity containing devices, dashboards, events, tokens, and users. Users may have permissions over one or multiple organizations.

  4. Role: A group of permissions which specify the type of access (create, view, edit, and/or delete) a user has over the entities contained in the Organization(s) they belong to.

  5. User: A password-protected account that has access to one or several Organizations through an App, and engages with them based on the particular Role that the user has been given.

In this quick guide you'll learn to create, edit, and manage different users of an Ubidots powered App.

1. Creating a new user

To create a user, select "users" in the "users" tab in the main navbar, then...

  1. Click on the "+" button at the upper right corner of the screen.

  2. Assign a username, enter the user's email, and, optionally, choose the organization they will belong to. Click on the "next" button.

  3. Another optional step is to add a tag to the users. Tags not only let you organize users, but also define what they get to see or interact with in your app. Users can only see, in the app, the entities (dashboards, devices, reports, events, and users) that they share a tag with. Learn more about tags here. Click on the "next" button.

  4. Choose the organizations the users will have access to by clicking on the "+ add organizations" button.

  5. Assign the Role (permissions group) for the user.

  6. Add the user's contact information:

    1. One or multiple emails.

    2. Phone numbers for SMS, voice call, or Telegram notifications.

  7. Assign a password to the user.

  8. Decide whether or not to send an invitation via email to the user.

    1. Choose the the app the user will belong to. This also determines the branding of the email (colors and logo).

    2. Determine the subject and message for the invitation email.

    3. Determine whether the user will be asked to change the password you previously assigned them when they log in.

    4. You can have the invitation expire after 10 days if the user doesn't use it in that time.

2. Access, edit, & delete users

In case you need to edit, disable, or delete a user, you can easily do that, and more, from the "users" page. By clicking on the options button (the 3 dots) at the far right of the user, select whichever action you need to do on a specific user.

  • Edit the user's information and roles.

  • Log into the App as the user to experience it with the permissions (roles) they've been assigned.

  • Check the user's activity log.

  • Change the user's password.

  • Disable the user. This is a temporary status that can be changed by "enabling" the user again.

  • Permanently delete the user.

2.1. Filter users

The user table allows you to thoroughly filter all your users, thus simplifying the process of, for example, finding a user or identifying all of those who belong to a specific organization.

These are the filters you can use depending on the category:

  • Created at:

    • Less than (enter the maximum number of days that have passed since the user was created)

    • Exactly (enter the exact number of days that have passed since the user was created)

    • More than (enter the minimum number of days that have passed since the user was created)

    • After (select the date after which the user was created)

    • On (select the date in which the user was created)

    • Before (select the date before which the user was created)

  • Username:

    • Is (enter the exact username)

    • Does not contain (enter a word/character that's not part of the username)

    • Contains (enter a word/character that's part of the username)

    • Ends with (enter the last character(s) of the username)

    • Is not (enter the exact username that you want to filter out)

    • Starts with (enter the first character(s) of the username)

  • Email:

    • Is (enter the exact user's email)

    • Does not contain (enter a word/character that's not part of the user's email)

    • Contains (enter a word/character that's part of the user's email)

    • Ends with (enter the last character(s) of the user's email)

    • Is not (enter the exact email of the user(s) you want to filter out)

    • Starts with (enter the first character(s) of the user's email)

  • Organization:

    • Is (select the organization the user(s) belong to)

    • Is not (select the organization the user(s) doesn't belong to)

    • Assigned (filters out the users that don't belong to any organization)

    • Not assigned (filters out the users that belong to an organization)

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