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Dashboard: Layers

Add depth to your dashboards by creating layers that simplify navigation through different workspaces.

Sergio M avatar
Written by Sergio M
Updated over a month ago

Dashboards are powerful tools for visualizing and managing your operations. By allowing you to organize them into tabs, the Layers feature brings your dashboards to the next level. Each layer acts as a doorway into other dashboards, enabling seamless navigation between key operational areas. Soon, Layers will also support custom or third-party pages, giving you even more flexibility to tailor your workspace.

By centralizing multiple dashboards in one, Layers simplify navigation, saving you time and improving efficiency. Whether you're monitoring performance metrics, analyzing trends, or controlling devices, Layers make it simple to keep everything within reach.


1. How Do Layers Work in a Dashboard?

Layers can be thought of as the tabs of a web browser, where one of your dashboards serves as the browser and each layer you create within it is a tab that contains other dashboards. In the near future, you will also be able to create layers with custom or third-party pages.

Once your layers are created, you can navigate through them from the same dashboard by clicking on any tab, unlike the traditional navigation, which requires you to visit isolated dashboards one at a time.

2. Creating Dashboard Layers

To create layers in a dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to any dashboard or create a new one.

  2. Once in the dashboard, click on the pencil icon located at the upper left corner of the dashboard.

  3. Once in the layers menu, you can add new ones by using the “+ add layer” button.

  4. With the “default layer” drop-down menu, define the layer to be displayed when you first enter the dashboard.

  5. Configure each layer using the following options:

    1. Display name: the name of the layer. It will be displayed in the tab.

    2. Width: define the width of the layer with the different options in the drop-down menu. This is especially useful for layers that will be displayed in particular screens such as TVs or tablets.

    3. Alignment: determine the orientation of the layer’s contents.

  6. Use the options at the layer’s header to:

    1. Change the order of the tabs by dragging and dropping them in the desired position.

    2. Go to that layer in a new browser window.

    3. Delete the layer.

    4. Hide/show the layer.

    5. Hide/show the layer’s configuration options.


  • A maximum of 10 layers can be created in each dashboard.

  • You can hide/show the layers bar from a dashboard by going into the dashboard’s settings ⟶ the appearance tab ⟶ toggling the “hide dashboard layers” button.

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