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Advantech Series: Build an IIoT network with ADAM-6717 and ECU-1051
Advantech Series: Build an IIoT network with ADAM-6717 and ECU-1051

This article explores how to set up your own IIoT network by using ECU-1051 as a Modbus master and ADAM-6717 as a Modbus slave

Sergio M avatar
Written by Sergio M
Updated over 6 months ago

A typical IIoT network consists of a series of data acquisition modules and/or PLCs, acting as slave devices connected to a gateway⁠—commonly referred to as the "master device"⁠—that, ultimately, serves as a place where the data from all of the slave devices can be queried and also uploaded to the cloud.

In the following technical guide, you will learn how to set up such an IIoT network, by using Advantech's ECU-1051 as the master device which queries data from the ADAM-6717 through Modbus TCP/IP.


  • An active Ubidots account

  • A potentiometer or any kind of analog sensor

  • A LED and a resistor

  • A PC running Windows

  • Two Ethernet cables

1. Wire up the ADAM connections

  • As a recommendation, you should not power the ADAM-6717 until completing the following steps.

  • Connect a pontentiometer’s middle terminal or analog sensor to ADAM’s analog input 6(AI6). It doesn't have to be strictly AI6, you can change the configuration according to your requirements.

  • Wire up the digital output 0 (DO0) with the LED and the resistor just as the following diagram shows. For this example, a 12V power source was used, so an acceptable resistor value is 1 kΩ. Also, keep in mind that each DO channel can sink 0.1 A at most.

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  • Connect the ADAM to the power source.

  • Connect the ADAM to your router or switch using the Ethernet cable.

2. Install EdgeLink studio

3. Find the devices’ IP address

  • Connect the ECU-1051 to the power supply. It's ok to use the same power source as you did for the ADAM.

  • Connect the ECU-1051 to the LAN.

  • Launch the recently installed EdgeLink Studio.

  • Click on the Search button. This will list all of the Advantech devices currently connected on your network. If everything is wired up correctly, you should be able to see the ADAM-6717 and the ECU-1051.

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4. ADAM-6717 setup

  • Launch a web browser of your preference.

  • Go to the ADAM’s IP address as obtained in the previous step.

  • Click the Web utility configuration page option.

  • You’ll be prompted for a username and a password:

    • Username: root

    • Password: 00000000

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  • Click on I/O Status option at the leftmost side of the screen.

  • Click on AI. This will display the settings regarding the device’s analog Inputs.

  • Click the Configuration tab.

  • Click the Channel Settings tab.

  • Select the analog input that you wish to enable. This example used AI6, however you can choose any that you want.

  • Select the voltage range according to your particular setup. Since this example uses a potentiometer whose power is supplied from the same source as the ADAM, it's safe to use 0~10V, however, you should match this setting according to your particular implementation.

  • Check the Channel Mask checkbox.

  • Click on the Submit button. After doing so, you should be able to see that the configured channel was enabled.

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5. ECU-1051 setup

  • Go back to EdgeLink Studio.

  • Click on the Project Configuration tab (little hammer icon at the bottom of the interface).

  • Click Create project.

  • Give your project a description, a tittle and then click the OK button.

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  • Right click on the project recently created and click the Add Device option.

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  • Fill the required information according to:

    • Name: Any name that you wish for your device.

    • Model: Click on the three dots to reveal the menu in which you can select the device. Select ECU-1051TL-R10AAE or any of the variants that you might have.

    • Password: Leave it on its default value or change it according to your needs.

    • Identity: Select IP Address/Domain Name from the dropdown menu.

    • IP Address/Domain Name: use the ECU-1051 IP address obtained in previous steps.

    • Time Zone: Select your timezone or that of the place where your project will be implemented.

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  • On the Project Configuration section, click on the project.

  • Click on Data Center → I/O Tag → TCP.

  • Check the Enable checkbox.

  • Click the Apply button.

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  • Right click on TCP and select the Add Device option.

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  • Check the Enable checkbox.

  • Give a name for the device that is going to be created.

  • Select Modicon Modbus Series (Modbus TCP) on the Device Type option.

  • Scroll Down to the TCP/IP section and, in the IP/Domain field, set the ADAM’s IP address found on step #3.

  • For the Port Number set it to 5020. This is the default port in which the ADAM runs the Modbus service.

  • Click the Apply button.

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  • Click on the recently added device. If you have been following this guide’s nomenclature, then it should be ADAM.

  • Click the Add button in order to add a I/O Tag. This will allow monitoring the ADAM’s AI6 value.

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  • Set a name for the I/O Tag. You can name it according to your needs/requirements.

  • On the Data Type field select Analog.

  • Set Unsigned Integer on the Conversion field.

  • Click on the three dots in order to display the Default Address Configuration menu.

  • Set the Address Template to 40001.

  • Set the Address to 40007. This is the address where the ADAM stores the value for the AI6.

  • Click the OK button to close the Default Address Configuration menu.

  • Click the OK button to close and save the settings for this I/O Tag.

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  • Create a new I/O Tag. This will allow writing to ADAM’s DO0.

  • Repeat the same steps as above, changing the following settings:

    • Data Type: Discrete

    • Address Template: 00001

    • Address: 00017. This is the ADAM’s coil address that controls DO0

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  • Finally, the two I/O Tags should look like this:

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  • Create a new I/O Tag. This will allow writing to ADAM’s DO0.

  • Repeat the same steps as above, changing the following settings:

    • Component 31(1).pngData Type: Discrete

    • Address Template: 00001

    • Address: 00017. This is the ADAM’s coil address that controls DO0

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  • Finally, the two I/O Tags should look like this:

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6. Upload project to the ECU-1051

  • Click on the project. This will enable both the Save and Project Download buttons.

  • Click Save to save the current project.

  • Click Project Download to flash the project to the ECU-1051.

  • Wait for the Compile success confirmation message.

  • Click Download.

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  • Wait for the project to finish downloading. Then click the Close button.

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7. Visualize AI6 value in EdgeLink Studio

  • Click on the Online Device tab (little computer screen icon at the bottom of the interface).

  • Right click on the ECU-1051.

  • Click on Online Monitor(HTTPS).

  • You’ll be prompted for a username and a password:

    • Username: admin

    • Password: 00000000

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  • Click the Tag dropdown menu.

  • Click I/O Tag.

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  • The ADAM’s AI6 value (either the potentiometer or the analog sensor) will be displayed under the Tag “ADAM:ADAM_AI6” if you have been following this article’s nomenclature.

  • Note that this is not a voltage value but the ADC conversion value.

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8. Control LED’s status from EdgeLink Studio

  • Note that the “ADAM:ADAM_DO0” Tag currently has a value 0, in other words, the LED is turned off.

  • Click the Edit button for this Tag.

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  • Set the Value field to the number 1.

  • Click the Confirm button.

  • After doing so, you’ll note that this Tag has been set to 1 and the LED has turned on.

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9. Send data to Ubidots using MQTT

  • You can send the AI6 data gathered by the ECU-1051 to Ubidots through MQTT by following sections #3, #4 and #5 of this guide.

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