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Connect Weintek HMI to Ubidots
Connect Weintek HMI to Ubidots
Sergio M avatar
Written by Sergio M
Updated over a week ago

Weintek, a leading HMI solutions provider, and Ubidots, a powerful IoT platform, offer a beneficial integration for industrial automation. Connecting Weintek devices to Ubidots enables remote monitoring, control, and advanced data analysis. Users can access real-time data, set up custom alerts, and identify trends to optimize production. This integration promotes collaboration between teams and ensures data security. Combining Weintek and Ubidots empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions, improving efficiency and competitiveness in a connected world.


Table of contents

1. Download and Install EasyBuilder Pro

  • Download and install EasyBuilder Pro V6.08.02.322. Be care to download said version, otherwise the contents of this technical guide wont apply to earlier versions.

  • Download the demo project specifically for your HMI model, keep in mind however that this technical guide applies only for cMT2078X and above. Even if you just want to simulate, you'd need to change the HMI model on EasyBuilder interface.

  • Once installed, launch the program.

2. Select the appropriate HMI model

  • Once the program is launched, go to the Home bar, click on System Parameters.

  • A new screen will pop-up, there select the Model tab and make sure that the HMI model selected in the dropdown menu matches the one that you are working with.

  • If you downloaded the correct demo project for your device, this verification should not be necessary, however it is best to confirm.

3. Configure the MQTT to send data to Ubidots

  • Head to the IIoT/Energy tab and then click the MQTT settings:

  • Check the Enable checkbox

  • Click the Settings...button

  • Go to the General tab on the screen that will be displayed.

  • Edit the settings as follows:

    • Comment: Set this to any name that you want/require

    • Cloud Service: Select Normal

    • Protocol: Select MQTT v3.1

    • Check the Customize length for client ID/username/password

    • Set Client ID length to 64 words

    • Set the Username/password to 132 words

    • Check the User domain name checkbox

    • Set the Domain name to

    • Set the Port to 1883 (No TLS)

    • Set the Client ID to %2

    • Check the Authentication checkbox

    • Set Username to your Ubidots account Token

    • Leave Password empty

    • Configure the remaining settings according to your requirements

  • Go to the System Topic tab

  • Select Topic List and then click on the Default button

  • Click on OK

  • Click the New... button as shown below to create the topic to which publish

  • On the General tab, edit the following settings:

    • Topic: /v1.6/devices/<ID>, where ID:

      • %0: uses the name configured on the HMI

      • Fixed value: for example if you know that the HMI serial number is "xxxyyyzzz123", then you can use such value as the unique identifier on Ubidots

    • Set Sending mode to Address(Auto.)

    • Check the Time-based checkbox and set Time interval according to your requirements

    • Set Content format to JSON(Advanced)

  • Go to the Address tab

  • Select the d on the Payload Object

  • Click the Delete button

  • Double click the remaining ts component on the Payload Object

  • Set the Name as you would like it to appear the variable's label on Ubidots

  • Set the Type to Number

  • Check the Timestamp radius button

  • Click OK

  • If you click Preview... the payload that will be sent to Ubidots will look like:

  • Now suppose that you want to send a fixed value to Ubidots, lets create such constant and configure it to be sent in the payload

  • Click the Payload Object and then click the New Value... button

  • Set the Name to what you want it to be its device label on Ubidots. I.e if you want that number to be displayed on Ubidots as "status", then set this field like so

  • Set the Type to Number

  • Set the Value to Fixed Value and then set such value

  • Click the OK button

4. Launch the project

  • Go to the Project tab

  • Click Online Simulation

  • The following screen will pop-up resembling the visualization on the HMI and data will start to be sent to Ubidots.

5. Visualize the data on Ubidots

  • A device will be displayed on Ubidots whose label is according to the identifier set on the MQTT configuration

6. Feedback, suggestions and related articles

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