Two factor authentication (2FA) is a known authentication method to increase security of a web application. A user is prompted during the sign-in process for an additional form of identification, in this case, a temporary code.
Industrial plan to enable 2FA in the owner account.
Enterprise plan to enable 2FA in end user accounts.
1. Setup
To turn on two-factor authentication:
Step 1: Sign in to your Ubidots account.
Step 2: Click on your profile image in the top right and choose My Profile.
Step 3: Click on My Account --> Account details.
Step 4: Edit the Two-factor authentication option, by clicking on the pencil on the right side. You’ll see a square barcode (QR code). Save a backup of your two-factor authentication code and the 16-character secret next to the QR code somewhere safe.
Step 5: On your mobile device, open your authentication app and use it to scan the QR code. After you scan the QR code, you’ll see a six-digit authentication code.
Step 6: Enter the six-digit authentication code, then click Save.
2. Result
As a result, when 2FA has been enabled, the next time you log in you will need to enter in a code after using your username and password to log in.
Your Ubidots account is now protected by two-factor authentication. To continue using your account on other devices or to sign in to it on a new device, you’ll need to enter a six-digit authentication code from your authentication app.
3. Deactivation
To deactivate the two-factor authentication on your account, simply follow the next steps.
Step 1: Click on My Account --> Account details.
Step 2: Edit the Two-factor authentication option, by clicking on the pencil on the right side.
Step 3: Read carefully and click on the Delete button if you want to remove the 2FA.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you lose access to your authentication app an you’re not able to log in to your Ubidots account on new devices, please contact our customer success team.
4. 2FA for End Users
With an Enterprise plan, you can also enable 2FA for the end users of your apps. To do this, follow this steps:
Go to "apps" ⟶ the settings of the app in which you want to enable 2FA for its end users.
Go into the "features" section, located in the left-hand pane.
Click on the "other" option.
Toggle the "enable two-factor authetication (2FA) for end users" button on.
Click on the green check mark button to save the changes.
Now it's time to configure 2FA for any end user belonging to this app. To do this, follow the steps in the first section of this guide ("1. Setup") from the account of the user for whom 2FA is required.